Nepal is a beautiful, diverse country. These pictures show a few of our favorite places as well as our work and schools.
Nepal Earthquake and Rebuilding
The massive earthquake that hit the Kathmandu Valley on April 25, 2015, caused untold damage and loss of life. Immediately after the earthquake, Helping Hands mobilized volunteers to begin building temporary long-term shelters for people who had lost their homes. These photos show the variety of materials and styles used.

Nepal video
This video was created by a Nepali television station shortly after the earthquake, to highlight the work Helping Hands founder Narayan Shrestha has done for the earthquake victims.

Our Volunteers
We could not do what we do without our dedicated volunteers! Doctors and dentists, nurses, emergency medical personnel, and non-medical volunteers have all made a difference through their work with Helping Hands.
Our work in Nicaragua is focused in the Jalapa Valley in the northern part of the country. We have conducted mobile medical and dental clinics, and run an elementary school, the Sreejana Bilingual School.

Sreejana Bilingual School: New Building
The Sreejana Bilingual School building is finished! This gallery shows the progress of construction from groundbreaking to finished buildings. We celebrate the safe, clean new classrooms and latrines with the students and staff of the school!

We have recently begun work in Bhutan, and have developed a good working relationship with the Ministry of Health of Bhutan. We have brought volunteers to work in the hospital in Punakha, and also a delegation of Americans to visit with Bhutan's government officials.